
Mark Arnold

Mark Arnold
Speaker Opportunity

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Mark Arnold is an acclaimed speaker and expert in branding, training and strategic marketing for businesses, credit unions and banks. Mark helps credit unions and banks achieve their goals with insight and energized training. Speaking regularly to audiences around the country, his many topics include branding, marketing, strategy, leadership, personal growth and generational issues. His audiences are diverse in skills and are in positions of management, staff, executive leadership and boards of directors. His breadth of knowledge connects with audiences for keynotes, breakouts and training events. Mark is the author of “Marked for Success: Daily Ideas to Help Your Financial Institution Succeed,” “Think Huge: How To Elevate Your Life and Your Business”,“My Best Service Ever” and “Marketing Across the Generations: Gen. X”.

He serves as president of On The Mark Strategies, a consulting firm specializing in branding and strategic planning. Not a mere consultant, Mark partners with credit unions and organizations to help achieve their desired strategic goals. He has worked with financial institutions ranging in size from $32 million to $7.5 billion. Prior to founding On The Mark Strategies, Mark served as senior vice president for a multi-million dollar financial institution in Dallas where he oversaw and planned strategies for multiple departments, including marketing, business development, human resources, training and customer investments.

Mark has won numerous national communication and marketing awards, including CUNA’s national Marketing Professional of the Year and the Texas Credit Union League’s Marketer of the Year. He holds a Bachelor’s of Journalism degree from the University of Texas at Austin and is an instructor at CUNA’s Marketing Management School and the Southwest CUNA Management School.

Speaking Topics:

Building A Lasting Brand For Your Financial Institution
Branding is more than just changing a few brochures or the look of your logo. Much more. A true comprehensive branding program will impact the entire organization. Your bank doesn’t just “do” branding one year and mark it off its “to-do” list: your whole company must “live” the brand every day. This session provides practical information on what to do and not do with your brand, including:
  • Defining what branding really is
  • Creating and leading an impactful brand culture
  • Gaining staff buy-in
  • Communicating your brand to your customers


Going From Surviving to Thriving: Growth Trends in Today’s Economy
Pausing never leads to growth. Now more than ever credit unions need growth strategies not just to survive but to thrive in today’s economic uncertainty. When it comes to your credit union, you must know the trends and what successful credit unions are doing to experience growth. If done correctly, getting ahead of the trends will lead you out of a recession. In this session, you will learn a clear path to growth, ways to zig while others are zagging and solutions to recession proof your credit union. We will cover the top five trends and action steps you can take today to grow your credit union.
How to Craft the Ultimate Strategic Plan
Successful credit unions have sharp strategic plans. Organizations that consistently plan well enjoy success more frequently. As author Jim Collins notes in his book Good to Great, “good is the enemy of great.” Ultimate strategic planning sessions focus on how to ensure your credit union does not settle for good, but strives for greatness. This session covers:
  • The strategic funnel
  • How to put zing into your planning session
  • The magic ingredient to the ultimate strategic plan
  • Tips for improving your strategic plan
Pearl Harbor or Pearl Jam: Reaching Consumers Across the Generations
Rotary phones. Touch-tone phones. Cell phones. Smart Phones. Each generation identifies itself with unique cultural images. Consumers active in today’s marketplace are divided into five distinct groups: Matures, Baby Boomers, Xers, Millennials and Generation Z. Your willingness and adaptability as an aggressive organization will determine how successful you are in reaching these critical age ranges.  This session provides:
  • An overview of Matures, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennial Generation and Generation Z
  • Practical ways you can reach and manage each generation
  • Products each generation finds appealing

Speaking Topics

  • Building A Lasting Brand For Your Financial Institution
  • Going From Surviving to Thriving: Growth Trends in Today’s Economy
  • How to Craft the Ultimate Strategic Plan
  • Pearl Harbor or Pearl Jam: Reaching Consumers Across the Generations