
Traci Brown

Traci Brown
Traci Brown

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To learn more about Traci Brown or book them as a speaker, please contact us.

Question:  What do Lance Armstrong, Chris Christie and Vladimir Putin have in common?

Answer:  Traci Brown’s revealed their secrets to the world

She’s uncovered what they’re not saying. NBC, CBS and Fox have asked this body language expert to reveal secrets hidden in plain sight.  And she can help your team reveal the secrets your clients are keeping from you that are impacting your bottom line.

She’s trained in the body language of deception detection right alongside our country’s top law enforcement.  And in her fast paced, interactive programs that are sure to entertain, Traci teaches lie, fraud and identity theft detection skills she’s used to get to the truth in billion dollar business deals, crimes and politics.

You’ll be able to immediately use the same tools to make better decisions and create more success in your own organization and personal life…so you see more  zeroes (before the decimal) in your bank account.

Traci is a Three Time US Collegiate Cycling Champion and former member of Team USA.

She is a past president of the National Speaker’s Association Colorado Chapter and the author of four books including her latest,  How to Detect Lies, Fraud and Identity Theft.

Speaking Topics:

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire


Problem #1:  Fraud Losses Are Adding Up.

Problem #2: Your Meetings Are Boring.

Solution: Fraud Busting Body Language Expert Traci Brown.

In-person or virtual, she’ll energize your audience with eye-opening, simple & memorable techniques that can be applied immediately to detect fraud, increase the bottom line and keep you out of jail.

Most clients want to stop fraud loss and some groups even use Traci’s lie detection info to increase sales….because buyers are liars.

‘Two Truths and a Lie’ is a fun game unless you don’t know you’re playing. You haven’t realized it, but in business, you’re playing everyday… and YOU’RE LOSING.

Discover how to win the game with clients, your boss, your team, and your prospects. Protect your hard-earned profits and catch would-be fraudsters before they can take away everything you’ve worked for.

In this fast-paced keynote, you’ll discover how to use Traci’s 9-Point Fraud Spotting System to separate the lies from the truth, so you don’t innocently step into a business, life, or reputation-destroying event.

Do you often ask yourself:

  • Is that job applicant being deceptive about their experience?
  • Will their lies cost your company countless dollars and hours of training?
  • Are your vendors overpromising or inflating their prices to scam you?
  • Are you willing to do prison time for someone else’s actions?
  • Is your spouse truthful? Can you see the clues that an unfaithful partner leaves littered through your conversation?
  • Is your child really just “spending the night at Tony’s house,” or are they going to a dangerous party with no adult supervision?
  • And most importantly…did your kids eat those donuts you left on the counter? Or did the dog?

After hearing Traci speak, you’ll be better equipped to find the REAL answer to all of the questions, and MORE!


Problem #1:  You’ve Got To Increase Sales.

Problem #2: Your Meetings Are Boring And Speakers Say The Same Old Stuff.

Solution: Body Language Expert Traci Brown

In-person or virtual, she’ll energize your audience with eye-opening, simple & memorable techniques that can be applied immediately to uncover what customers AREN’T telling you that’s impacting the sale. 

Do you often ask yourself:

  • Do you know your prospect’s REAL budget?
  • Are they going to buy from you or are they just shopping?
  • Are you really the last person they’re talking to?
  • Are you their favorite or are you the fool?
  • Are they happy with your proposal or service?
  • Is your customer today gonna be your customer tomorrow?

Every one of Traci’s talks is unique because it’s customized to fit the needs and goals of the client.

If you like fun and laughs while you’re learning a serious topic, Traci is for you. (If you want dry and boring, don’t bother to get in touch)

Speaking Topics

  • Liar, Liar Pants on Fire