
Holly Buchanan

Holly Buchanan

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Holly Buchanan is a popular speaker, trainer, author and consultant.

Holly is the author of Selling Financial Services to Women – What Men Need to Know and Even Women Will Be Surprised to Learn. She is the co-author of The Soccer Mom Myth. And she is working on her new book Stop Getting Triggered – Keep Your Cool, Win Respect and Increase Influence.

Buchanan Marketing works with financial companies and professionals who want to be more successful by understanding how clients make financial decisions, buy financial products and choose financial advisors.

Speaking Topics

How to Have Difficult Conversations

Is there an important conversation you need to have, but fear it won’t go well? How can you speak up for yourself? How can you have a difficult conversation and stay calm, responding logically vs. reacting emotionally? How can you get through to people who have different ideas and opinions? Your ability to have direct and difficult conversations is key to your success, professionally and personally.

In this seminar you’ll learn:

  • Specific techniques to prevent you from getting emotionally triggered
  • Why our assumptions are so often wrong
  • How to start a difficult conversation
  • Timing – when is the right time to speak up or stay quiet
  • How to focus on the problem vs. the person
  • How to create win/win solutions
  • Techniques based on the Japanese martial art of Aikido

What Your Clients Are Actually Thinking

You are sitting across from potential or current clients. How are they responding to what you are saying? What’s actually going on in their heads? Here’s the problem, most clients aren’t completely forthright in their responses. They may tell you one thing, but do another. However, clients do give away clues as to whether they are responding positively or negatively to your communication. When you can read those clues, ask better questions and make stronger connections you’ll be more effective at everything you do.

In this seminar you’ll learn:

  • How to read your client’s body language
  • Two decision making styles and how to deliver what each needs
  • How to uncover what keeps clients from taking action
  • A simple tip for empathetic listening
  • Ask This Not That – common questions advisors ask and better questions to ask instead
  • Powerful questions that uncover the criteria on which you are actually being judged

How to Win Trust and Credibility

Top producing financial professionals share a common trait – the ability to win client trust and credibility. A great deal of money is won and lost based on whether or not your clients truly trust you. This is especially true now with increasing volatility, client stress and uncertainty.
Do you have credibility and trust generators built into your everyday process? If not, you are missing a key opportunity to build stronger relationships and grow your business.

In this seminar you’ll learn:

  • How to build a purposeful plan to incorporate specific trust and credibility builders into your everyday interactions with clients and prospects
  • Trust killers and how to avoid them
  • Your blind spot – the disconnect between how you see yourself and how others see you
  • Say this, not that – common phrases that professionals use and better phrases to use instead
  • How to build trust and credibility with two different decision making styles

Your Blind Spot – How You’re Losing Credibility and Don’t Even Know it

How do you come across to other people? What do your clients, colleagues, and managers really think about you?

Even the most self-aware people have blind spots. There may be a disconnect between how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you that is costing you credibility and keeping you from closing more business. When you understand the lens through which people see you, you can gain more credibility, trust, and influence.

In this seminar you’ll learn:

  • Your blind spot – how to discover ways in which you are losing credibility and don’t even realize it
  • The credibility lens – what it is and how it affects how people see you
  • How to understand the lens of your prospects, clients and anyone else you are trying to persuade
  • The two financial decision making styles and how you win and lose credibility with each
  • Stereotypes – why they are so dangerous and how to overcome them
  • Powerful questions that uncover the criteria on which you are being judged

Leading the Next Generation

Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z…with so many generations competing, collaboration and colliding in the workplace, what can you do to understand and work with such a broad variety of personality types, expectations and differing opinions?

In this seminar you’ll learn:

  • The differences between the generations – what’s actually true vs. myths and stereotypes
  • How each generation wants to be lead and mentored (Or do they even want to be lead at all?)
  • How can you communicate with different generations
  • The importance of culture and how you handle conflict
  • How to uncover your blind spot and create greater self-awareness to deliver what your people actually want and need


  • “There were so many ideas and concepts, invaluable information.”
  • “Wonderful session and excellent speaker.”
  • “I took more notes than in any other session.”
  • “Holly is a wonderful presenter. She has been my favorite speaker for the past 2 years.”
  • “Love Holly. She is so full of energy and great content.”
  • “Best presentation of the conference.”
  • “Worth the price for the entire 3-day conference just for this one session.”
  • “My biggest takeaway from Holly’s talk was the power of conveying who you are, not just what’s in your head, but how you come across, the impression you make on others.”
  • “Holly took me on a rollercoaster. I was really identifying with her. She shared ways you can fix the problems by changing how people perceive you so you’re able to stand out and get what you want.”

Speaking Topics

  • How to Have Difficult Conversations
  • What Your Clients Are Actually Thinking
  • How to Win Trust and Credibility
  • Your Blind Spot – How You’re Losing Credibility and Don’t Even Know it
  • Leading the Next Generation